Spirit Earth Healing
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waterfall plunging down steep, faraway cliff with misty spray

To heal ourselves, we must heal our planet and to heal our planet, we must heal ourselves.
—Bobby McLeod

Healing Techniques Offered

Sandra uses a combination of techniques from different healing disciplines based upon what clients need and what she is guided to do. As with most healers, she naturally continues to develop her gift.

Techniques she may use during a session include

  • Angelic Healing
  • Kwan Yin Magnified Healing
  • Reiki
  • Energy Healing
  • Pranic Healing Methods
  • Pranic Crystal Healing Methods
  • Shambala
  • Chakra Clearing
  • Energy Balancing
  • Guided Visualization
  • Physical Relaxation
  • Distance Healing
  • Combined Modalities

The healing process generally begins with an initial consultation. During the consultation, Sandra and the client discuss treatment goals and options. Once a treatment plan is agreed upon, Sandra will often give clients "homework" to facilitate their progress.

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If you do a good job for others, you heal yourself at the same time, because a dose of joy is a spiritual cure. It transcends all barriers. —Ed Sullivan


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