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"There is a soul force in the universe which, if we permit it, will flow through us and produce miraculous results"
— Mahatma Gandhi

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Sandra Hurlbut – Intuitive Reader, Transformational Healer and Professional Speaker

Sandra is a nationally known intuitive reader, powerful healer and popular speaker who has traveled the country lecturing and offering workshops on practical spirituality and performing Spiritual healing.

She is a gifted intuitive reader as well as a master healer and teacher in many healing modalities. Her advanced gift of clairsentience is what makes her healings extraordinary.

Sandra is an accomplished speaker and has been involved in public speaking most of her career. She is also a circuit speaker and healer with the Body, Mind, and Spirit Expos.

Some of the Services that Sandra Offers:

Intuitive Readings

Sandra offers intuitive readings by connecting to your Angelic or Spiritual Guides to give you answers to your important questions and insights on your spiritual journey. Sessions can be held in person and over the phone and can be recorded for your convenience. To schedule a session, please visit our Services page.

Spiritual Response Therapy

Sandra now offers Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) which "is a system of researching the subconscious mind and soul records to quickly find and release the discordant, limiting ideas and replace them with loving, supportive ideas and beliefs. SRT provides an exacting, powerful, virtually painless and accurate way of changing the landscape of our inner and outer lives, enabling us to live our lives more freely." Her clients have had very impressive results from this form of healing. Sessions are offered in-person, over the phone and absentee. Call Sandra for more information or to schedule your session 719-576-1324.

Transformational Healing

The healing treatments Sandra offers work on reducing physical pain, relieving emotional and physical traumas stored in the body, and releasing stagnant energies that block the flow of your body’s natural propensity for health.

Intuitive guidance she receives during your session may be offered. This information is used to help you understand how you attracted the dis-ease or imbalance. She may also help you identify non-productive behavioral patterns, and give you insight on how to eliminate these negative habits from your life.

Teaching and Speaking Engagements

Sandra has extensively studied the spiritual principles of the world’s major religions as well as philosophy, psychology, and metaphysics. She teaches and offers presentations on a wide variety of personal and spiritual growth topics. She also impart practical wisdom gained from her own spiritual experiences, making each presentation unique.

Her Mission

Awakened by Spirit, she has been called forth to help others heal and to teach universal truths that can be practically applied for the benefit of all. She is very connected to her guides and angels and offers accurate intuitive insights for her client's personal concerns. Her mission focuses on empowering people to make positive changes in their life. Please visit our Workshop page to learn more. For more information on Sandra, please visit About.

Constant Contact All Star award 2010 Winner


The most important medicine is tender love and care. —Mother Teresa


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