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If the head and body are to be well, you must begin by curing the soul.

The Sacred Healing Mandala Project

As a gift of service, I have been creating personalized sacred healing mandalas for those interested in receiving the benefits of these empowering designs.

For thousands of years, Mandalas (Sanskrit for 'circles') have been used in various cultures for spiritual rituals. Mandala designs incorporate the energetic power of sacred geometry, the healing properties of color and profound aspects of sacred teachings.

Some of the most well-known examples are the intricate colored sand mandalas created by Tibetan Buddhists. Tibetan Buddhist monks often spend days or weeks engaged in creating an intricate sacred design out of colored sand as a means to meditate or focus on the concept of impermanence. Once the design is complete, the colors are brushed together and the sand is placed in a stream of running water to spread the blessings of the mandala.

The mandalas chosen for this project are based upon Buddhist, Celtic, Christian, Hindu, and Native American designs as well as Sacred Geometry.

How Mandalas Are Created

After opening Sacred Space, I use my gifts of clairsentience and clairaudience as a channel for your guides and Spirit to select the appropriate mandala design and relevant colors for you. Throughout the creative process, you and your healing intention remain the sacred focus and are gradually made manifest in the mandala, becoming the symbol of your blessed potential for healing and growth.

The resulting designs are imbued with the natural gift of divine healing energy which radiates through my Being, combined with the sacredness of the design and the healing properties of color.

The mandalas may be accompanied by an inspirational message or poem from your spiritual guides.

Each mandala takes between five to ten hours to create. Additional time may be required for the messages or to “charge” the design with additional healing energy.

Using the Sacred Healing Mandalas

As with any healing technique, consistency is the key to fulfilling the intention of your mandala. The more actively engaged you are with your mandala, the greater your potential benefits. At a minimum, place the mandala in a location where you spend much of your time. For example, hang it up near your desk at work and allow its energies to work on you throughout the day.

For a more integrative experience, spend time each day meditating with the design. You may benefit from visually “entering into” the sacred space of the design and allowing the divine energies to flow through you, clearing your mind and body in the process. Envision yourself in the midst of its three-dimensional design. Intuitively watch and feel the divine energies swirling, moving in and around you.

Your mandala may also be used as a tool for clarity. Simply keep in mind a question or issue you are working on and focus on your mandala. Call in your Spiritual Guides and/or the Angels to assist you in receiving the answers you need. Soften your breath and focus on the center of your mandala. Breathe slowly and keep bringing your attention back to the center.

As you relax into your sacred inner space, your consciousness may shift enough that you have a “vision” of what you need to do. Or you may simply go deep enough within to access the wisdom of your higher self. This wisdom may manifest as a simple “knowing” of what you need to do next.

The ways to work with your mandala are only limited by your creativity.

How to Participate in the Mandala Project

If you are interested in participating in the Sacred Healing Mandala Project, please fill out the information below and click the [send to Sandra] button to return it to me by email. All information is considered confidential and will not be sold or disclosed to any outside party.

(so we can send it to you)
(in case of questions)
(in case of questions)
Primary Spiritual Guides You Work with
What is Your Healing Intention for this Mandala?
Anything More to Add?  
Send by email
to Sandra:


Each mandala takes between 3 to 8 hours of time to create in a very sacred space. Your mandala usually includes an intutive reading or other channeled guidance. Because of the time intensive and deeply personal nature of these mandalas, I can no longer offer them for free. At this time, I am still backlogged several months on their creation.

To keep the benefits flowing, you can purchase one for a modest fee of $50. To order your personalized mandala, please complete the form below. Once I have your information and confirmed your interest, we'll make arrangements for payment upon completion of your mandala.

Healing Updates

I would love to hear about your experiences! Please feel free to let me know how you are doing. Or, let me know if you have any questions I might be able to answer.



Health is not a condition of matter, but of mind. —Mary Baker Eddy


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