Spirit Earth Healing
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waterfall plunging down rocky cliff with green foliage

The miracle of self-healing occurs when the inner patient yields to the inner physician.
—Vernon Howard


Sandra Hurlbut –Intuitive Reader and Transformational Healer


Intuitive Reading

Allow Sandra to connect to your Angelic and Spiritual Guides gifting you with insights and answers to your important questions. Your reading includes your choice of a cassette tape or a CD recording of the session.

30 minute Intuitive Reading $45
60 minute Intuitive Reading $75
  All readings must be scheduled in advance. Email Sandra for more information: Sandra Hurlbut

Spiritual Response Therapy

SRT Session (1 hour) $40

Spiritual/Energy Healing Session

Sandra’s healing treatments work on reducing physical pain, relieving emotional and physical traumas stored in the body and releasing stagnant energies that block the flow of the bodies natural propensity for health. Distance healing or in-person sessions are available.

Guidance offered during your session will help you understand how you attracted dis-ease in your body. Sandra assists you in bringing awareness to cyclical behavior patterns. She also presents you with information on how you can eliminate these negative habits from your life.

Healing Session (1 hour) $75
  All healings must be scheduled in advance.

Sacred Mandala Project

Personalized sacred healing mandalas for those interested in receiving the benefits of these empowering designs.

Personalized Mandala $50

Healing Sessions – Distance

  • Email Sandra for details & availability - Sandra Hurlbut
  • Cost: $75 per hour
  • Cost is based on a combination of healing time and consultation time.

Healing Sessions - In Person

  • Email Sandra for details & availability - Sandra Hurlbut
  • Cost: $75 per hour
  • Cost is based on a combination of healing time and consultation time.
  • Wellness Package Discounts available for 5 or 10 pre-paid sessions.

Individualized Healer Training

  • Email Sandra for details & availability - Sandra Hurlbut
  • Cost: $75 per hour.
  • Time commitment of 2 hours per week for minimum of 3 weeks required.

Professional Speaking Engagements

  • Email Sandra for details & availability - Sandra Hurlbut
  • Cost varies with venue.
  • Custom presentations, lectures and workshops available.
  • For ideas on possible topics, please visit Workshop page
  Please visit our Book and Gift Store for Sandra's books, CDs, and downloadable e-books and classes!!

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Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease. —Hippocrates


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Copyright © 2005, 2012 Sandra Hurlbut