Spirit Earth Healing
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waterfall coursing amid red stones

The most important medicine is tender love and care.
—Mother Teresa


For Dates and Times please see Calendar page

If you are interested in a class that is not on the Calendar, please contact Sandra directly and she will try to accomodate your request. She often has a waiting list of people and classes.

Abraham-Hicks Monthly Discussion Group

with Sandra Hurlbut

Come and listen to the most recent Abraham-Hicks CD and join a lively discussion of how this information influences your life.

Angelic Healing Level I

with Sandra Hurlbut

Experience a unique “5th dimensional” healing and communication system that incorporates the use of symbols and sound. Join Sandra and the “Alphabet Angels” as you work with Angelic energies and the vibrational frequency of the alphabet to activate your energy field. This “a-tone-ment” energizes your chakras and allows them to resonate at their new vibrational level. Your voice receives 12 new rainbow energies entering the earth plane now and these rainbow energies invoke a special DNA activation that becomes part of your essence. Once attuned, every word spoken, sung, written or said in silence has a power to heal. Hands-on practice session included. Level I Certification provided.

Angelic Healing Level II

with Sandra Hurlbut

Level II continues your journey with the Angels. You will be introduced to a new set of alphabet angels and given new symbols to work with. Students will have a “direct contact” experience with Archangel‘s Michael, Metatron, Gabriel, Rafael and Uriel. Level II Certification provided.

Angelic Healing Walk-in Clinic*

with Sandra Hurlbut

In this clinic we will access the love and healing power of the Angels. This is a very simple but powerful form of healing. All are welcome to come to this clinic. Open your life to the Angels and leave feeling full.

Angelic healing is effective for many physical and emotional issues. It may reduce pain, flush out stagnant emotions, cleanse your body and clear your mind. Angels are non-denominational! Everyone is welcome! First Come, First Served.

*Last Appointment begins 1/2 hour before clinic ends.

Awakening the Healer Within

with Sandra Hurlbut

Are you aware that you can heal yourself? Do you really believe you can? Allow gifted healer, teacher and counselor Sandra Hurlbut to share higher conscious wisdom on how you create your reality, including the illnesses you may have. Conscious change begins with thought and emanates into reality. Learn how to change the vibration of your being to manifest wholeness. Are you ready to embrace your power to heal?

Chakra & Aura Workshop

with Sandra Hurlbut

Discover what chakras are and how important they are to your health. Learn about your aura and its purpose. Experience ways to keep your chakras and aura healthy.

Chakra Clearing Session

with Sandra Hurlbut

Chakra are the energy transformers for your body and are very important for your overall health. Blockages or imbalances may lead to disease. In this session you will clear and balance your chakra using a variety of techniques. Join us every month to improve your overall wellbeing.

Chakras—Intensive Series

with Sandra Hurlbut

Chakras 1 & 2: Your "root chakra" governs survival and family. Your second chakra controls core issues around money, sex and power. Discover how imbalances in these areas can physically manifest in your body. Learn ways to clear your chakras for optimum health. (Wear comfortable clothes.)

Chakras 3 & 4: Your third chakra is linked to self-esteem. Your fourth is connected to your emotions, love and forgiveness. Discover how imbalances in these chakras can physically manifest in your body. Learn ways to prevent your emotions from controlling your life. Find out how to maintain a safe interior in an ever hostile exterior world. (Wear comfortable clothes.)

Chakras 5, 6 & 7: In this class we'll discover how chakras 5, 6 & 7 work in conjunction with your body as well as the spiritual realm. Chakra five is linked to self-expression. Chakra six is connected to intellect and wisdom. Chakra seven is your relationship to Divine Source. Learn how to correct imbalances or blockages in your chakras and open yourself up to Divine inspiration. (Wear comfortable clothes.)

Chakras—Wheels of Life

with Sandra Hurlbut

Chakras are the energy transformers for your body. In this introductory course, discover how chakras help regulate your body and how blockages can impact your health. Learn simple techniques to keep your chakras healthy. Wear comfortable clothes.

Empowering Your Desires

with Sandra Hurlbut

Are you tired of not having things go your way? Do you have goals and dreams that seem elusive? Then this course is for you.  Learn practical examples of how you can release your inner potential. Discover ways you may be holding yourself back from achieving your best. Work with an experienced teacher and intuitive facilitator who can personally guide you towards making empowering decisions and taking appropriate actions to achieve what you desire.

Energy Workout

with Sandra Hurlbut

Learn how to combine commonly used exercises to boost your energy level and release stagnant energy. Leave feeling clear and refreshed without the sweat of an aerobic workout. Experience working with your own energy field. Wear comfortable clothes!

From Forgiveness to Freedom!

with Sandra Hurlbut

Learning how to forgive is one of the most powerful tools you can use to really move forward in your life. Join Sandra as she leads you through a process of "discovery and recovery" which will empower you to overcome blocks which may be holding you back from experiencing true freedom from your past and possibly your present.

How Can Spiritual Response Therapy Benefit You?

with Sandra Hurlbut

Join Sandra for an introductory discussion of what Spiritual Response Therapy is and how it can benefit you. Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) is best described as "a system of researching the subconscious mind and soul records to quickly find and release the discordant, limiting ideas and replace them with loving, supportive ideas and beliefs. SRT provides an exacting, powerful, virtually painless and accurate way of changing the landscape of our inner and outer lives, enabling us to live our lives more freely." Her clients have had very impressive results from this form of healing.

Sessions are offered in-person, over the phone and absentee. A sample session will be offered.

"I AM" Presence

with Sandra Hurlbut

"I AM" are the two most powerful words ever spoken. In this class you will learn practical ways to insure you are in alignment with the "I AM Presence" to help you consciously create whatever you desire.

Holistic Healing Clinic

with Sandra Hurlbut

This clinic will feature a variety of healing modalities and may include Reiki, Pranic and Angelic Healing. These forms of energy healing may reduce pain, flush out stagnant emotions, cleanse your body and clear your mind.

Inner Technology of Self Creation

with Sandra Hurlbut

Use the mirror of your life to change negative perceptions to positive results. Learn fundamental techniques for conscious creation. Embrace your power to change!

Kwan Yin Magnified Healing®

with Sandra Hurlbut

Open the door to powerful ascension energies offered by Kwan Yin, Goddess of Mercy and Compassion. As the former Chohan of the Seventh Ray, Kwan Yin has dispensed this unique form of healing which clears and heals all your lower bodies, activates your DNA and balances the remnants of karma you have accumulated since your first incarnation. Upon completion of the workshop you will be certified Initiate Master-Teachers and will be able to transmit this healing to humanity and the earth. This form of healing was previously only used in the higher dimensions by the Ascended Masters to assist themselves. Initiate Master Teacher Certification provided.

Learn to Heal Yourself

with Sandra Hurlbut

Your body is an amazing healing machine! Cells and tissues of many types are renewed within days, weeks and months. So why is disease is so rampant in our society?? In this course you will learn alternative ways to naturally heal yourself. You will discover how body, mind and Spirit work as one to promote effective healing. Are you ready to move beyond treatment into holistic health?

Learn to Meditate

with Sandra Hurlbut

Can't stay focused during meditation? It may not be you, but your approach. Learn three different meditation styles to help you connect and stay focused. Each style will be practiced during class. Learn which one works best for you!

Lessons In Higher Consciousness

with Sandra Hurlbut

Join gifted healer, teacher & counselor Sandra Hurlbut as she presents ancient wisdom that is now being revealed to empower people to become Conscious Creators. This knowledge has been kept alive in Mystery Schools and Secret Organizations and goes beyond the hype of “The Secret” and the buzzwords of “Creating Your Reality”. Learn what it really means to design your life the way you want it to be.

Manifesting Your Destiny

with Sandra Hurlbut

Do you wonder why your prayers or intentions seem to go unanswered? Do you have difficulty attracting abundance into your life? If so, then this powerful workshop can guide you forward. Join gifted healer, teacher and counselor Sandra Hurlbut as she relays ancient wisdom now being revealed that will give you the knowledge and the power to create the life you desire. Learn how your subconscious responds to repeated external programming that may stunt your creative growth. The knowledge Sandra presents goes far beyond what “The Secret” reveals. Are you really ready to become a conscious creator and change your life for good?

Meditation & Mindfulness

with Sandra Hurlbut

Find out how meditation and mindfulness can enhance your wellbeing. Learn how to incorporate these techniques into your daily life for stress reduction and balance.

Messages from the Angels and Ascended Masters

with Sandra Hurlbut

In-joy a message delivered from one of the Archangels or Ascended Masters in this intimate and powerful format. Previous "Guests" have included Archangel Michael, Yeshua (Jesus), Mother Mary and Saint Germain. Participants in these sessions often experience an energetic healing and may gain insight and clarity on issues they may have.

The purpose of the session is to offer a general message for the highest good of all concerned. The message often relates to unfolding events and may suggests areas of issues attendees need to work on.

Navigating the World with Compassion and Grace

with Sandra Hurlbut

Centuries ago, brave mariners overcame the common belief that the world was flat. They sailed uncharted waters and discovered vast new worlds. Today, many people feel adrift with no clear destination in life. Others feel like they are paddling upstream in a raging river, never making headway. What if there was an easier way to reach our destination? What if we began to understand the higher conscious purpose of being here? Allow gifted healer, teacher and counselor Sandra Hurlbut to guide you on an engaging journey of higher conscious thought. Discover how belief systems based in duality prevent you from moving forward. Observe how separation, comparison, judgment and attachment misdirect your thinking. Plot a new course using the “science of compassion” and sail gracefully through life.

One-2-One with Your Angels—Embracing Your Full Potential

Join Angel Communicator/Intuitive Artist Pamela J. Smith and Transformational Healer/Metaphysical Teacher Sandra Hurlbut in a fun and informative exploration of your personal potential in this highly interactive workshop. Learn to receive your own daily guidance from the angels and experience powerful angelic healings. This workshop will introduce you to the “Angel Portal”, a powerful communication and healing system using sacred geometry and angel symbols in an energy grid which directly connects you to the higher frequencies of the angelic realm. Each workshop includes an angel reading and healing. What messages do your angels hold for you?

Participate in Your Own Wellness

with Sandra Hurlbut

Join Sandra as she discusses some simple physical techniques you can use everyday to energize your body and calm your mind. Learn better ways to deal with stress. Discover some techniques you can use to take better care of yourself. Wear comfortable clothes!

Past Life Regression

with Sandra Hurlbut

This is an afternoon of self-discovery and healing. Access information on who you were in a past-life and how choices you made in that lifetime may be affecting your present day journey. Patterns may be revealed which can help you correct a situation you are currently struggling with. Two past life regressions will be done. There will be time between each session for those who wish to share their experiences.

Pranic Healing Walk-In Clinic

with Sandra Hurlbut

Pranic healing is a highly developed and tested system of no-touch Energy Healing. Healers may use their hands or specialized healing crystals to direct prana—chi—to cleanse, balance and harmonize your body's energy. Pranic healing also works well as a supplement to conventional medical care. Come to this clinic if you would like to try a new form of healing or pain relief and are open to receive it. First come, first served. Donations appreciated to cover costs.

Reiki for Animals

with Nancy Windheart

Are you a Reiki Practitioner who would like to learn more about using Reiki with animals from the unique perspective of an Animal Communicator? This course is designed for people who wish to use Reiki to support the animals in thier lives. The class covers:

  • How Reiki can enhance your Intuitive comnunication with animals
  • Animal Chakra Systems
  • How to offer Reiki to Companion Animals as well as Wild Animals
  • Special Considerations for Reiki with Rescue and Shelter Animals
  • How to allow the animal to determine their preference for healing
  • Ethics and Safety.
Nancy Windheart is a professional Animal Communicator and Animal Communication Teacher, International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) Reiki Master-Teacher and Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Teacher. She is on the faculty of the Animal Spirit Healing and Education Network. She also has been a staff writer for Species Link, The Journal of Interspecies Telepathic Communication and much more.

Sound & Healing Meditation

with Sandra Hurlbut

Learn the importance of sound and meditation in healing yourself. Experience 3 very different forms of meditation with the intention of healing your body, uplifting your soul and connecting with the Divine. Wear comfortable clothes.

Sound Healing Session

with Sandra Hurlbut

Experience the healing power of sound. This session focuses on revitalizing some of your organs and clearing your chakra using sound. Join us every month to improve your overall wellbeing. Benefits are cumulative.

Understanding Your Dreams

with Linda Lynch

Have you ever had a vivid dream you remember but didn’t understand what it meant? Would you like to learn how to interpret your dreams to get specific answers and information? Are you aware you have access to higher conscious insights into many aspects of your life while sleeping? Join counselor and author Linda Lynch for an intriguing 4-week class on how to interpret and understand your dreams.

Linda has many years of professional experience working with people to get access to information in the depths of their being. As a counselor, she used dreams, journaling, sand play therapy, lost soul release and past life regression as tools to help her clients find meaning and purpose in their lives and return to wellbeing. Linda has also been a teacher and business consultant to a number of fortune 500 companies. She has an M.A. in Psychology and Counseling. Her book, Who am I? Journaling for Self Discovery, will be available in June 2011 from Potential Press.

Victims—Know More

with Sandra Hurlbut
  • Do you ever find yourself feeling like you’re the victim?
  • Do you keep drawing the same type of people and situations into your life?
  • Are you really ready to know yourself as God creating your own reality?

Join Sage & Sandra as they share wisdom that goes above & beyond what the “The Secret” teaches. Discover state of the art techniques never taught before. This information will challenge what you think you know about creating your reality. Gain practical insights that will move you forward and help you understand your mission in life.

Walk-In Healing Clinic

with Sandra Hurlbut

This clinic will feature a variety of healing modalities and may include Reiki, Pranic and Angelic Healing. These forms of energy healing may reduce pain, flush out stagnant emotions, cleanse your body and clear your mind. No appointment necessary. First Come, First Served. (Last appointment begins 1/2 hour before end of clinic.)

What Energy Healing Can Do For You!

with Sandra Hurlbut

Energy healing is a holistic alternative or supplement to conventional care for the treatment of physical injuries, illnesses or emotional issues. Join Sandra as she discusses how this simple and effective method of healing can relieve blockages resulting from emotional distress, physical injury or spiritual stagnation. Learn about different types of energy healing and their uses. Experience how to harness inherent life energy—chi—to promote natural healing.

What is Higher Conscious Therapy?

with Sandra Hurlbut

Learn how Higher Conscious Therapy may be applied to your life to help overcome self defeating behaviors, negative or fear based beliefs and societal programming. Learn how to embrace your True Self and become happier, healthier and more Spiritually aligned.

Working with Healing Crystals

with Sandra Hurlbut

Learn simple tools and techinques to cleanse, clear and program your healing crystals and how to use them for healing yourself and others.

Working with Your Body's Energy

with Sandra Hurlbut

Learn exercises that open your chakras and energize your body. Discover the benefits of meridian exercise. Experience working with your own energy field. Wear comfortable clothes!

Your Essence-tial Self

with Sandra Hurlbut

The purpose of this class is for you to realize your Divine Heritage and to help you understand how to work with Spirit to create the life you desire.


The best way to find yourself is to lose youself in the service of others. —Mahatma Gandhi


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Copyright © 2005, 2012 Sandra Hurlbut