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If you do a good job for others, you heal yourself at the same time, because a dose of joy is a spiritual cure. It transcends all barriers.
—Ed Sullivan


On Receiving Guidance

November 06, 2010

Recently, many of my clients have been asking me about how to receive guidance.  They feel blocked or are unsure the information they are receiving is authentic.  I asked my Angelic Guides for some advice on the subject. This is what they shared.

So many people on their spiritual path get upset when they feel they are not receiving guidance.  In truth, you are all constantly receiving guidance in many ways. Sometimes it comes to you from the spoken words of others. Other times, you read words that stand out for you – they may resonate in a very special way or take on a new, deeper meaning. For others, the silence between the words (meditation) offers new perspectives and reflections on what is or could be.

Blocking guidance is certainly nothing new. One only need remember the biblical story of Jonah to understand humanity’s desire to turn away from divine intervention.  One reason people block guidance is because they fear they may be asked to do something out of their comfort zone or be asked to re-view a long held perspective that no longer serves them.

Think of the resistance that results when you are asked to unconditionally love someone who has hurt you.  Loving others who love you is easy but the task is much more difficult to truly love and appreciate those viewed as pariahs by your society.  Is a mass murderer or rapist any less deserving of God’s love than a Saint?  If you feel “Yes”, then you are blocking the universal flow of love as it is meant to flow through you. 

“Judge not, lest thee be judged” is a pertinent reminder here.

All beings at all spiritual levels need to make changes in order to grow. It is the natural order of all things. Consciousness is not stagnant.  It is constantly expanding with the mind of God.  To engage any form of resistance to guidance will only slow your natural spiritual progression.

An easy lesson in following your guidance can be learned by watching children at play.  Children are constantly led to seek out joyous activities without regard to what others may think.  Imagine a child looking forward to his first summer swim after a long winter.  Can you see him gleefully grabbing the rope tied to a tree limb which extends out over a babbling brook?  Can you feel his heart pumping as he excitedly anticipates the chill from the mountain stream surrounding his whole body after he jumps?  He knows from experience that the stream will be cold yet the exhilaration of floating through the air and landing the perfect cannonball is much more enticing.  

He continues to swing – glide  - swim until it no longer serves him and he discovers the next joyous thing to do.  It could be going for a bike ride, playing ball, reading a book or walking with friends.  When he is in joy, he is in alignment with God Source and guidance comes without resistance.

You may say “That’s well and good for a child, but I’m an adult with responsibilities.” We would say you are all children of God and the only real responsibility you have is the happiness of yourself.  In your world, you often try to make things about someone or something else other than yourself.  This is part of the grand illusion you have created for yourselves.  It is also one of the biggest excuses you have created for not tending to your own inner storehouse.

Life could be so much simpler and more in-joyable for all of you if you choose to focus on you feel in this moment.  Indeed, ask yourself “How do I feel right now?”  

When you focus your attention on how you feel - moment by moment - each and every day - always reaching for loving or joyful thoughts, then you are learning to listen to your inner guidance.  Practice the art of introspection and listening to your inner higher self.  The more you allow love and joy to fill your heart everyday, the easier it will be to receive spiritual guidance.  By allowing yourself to embrace your inner joy and wisdom, you’ll be in the eternal flow of Spirit and divine guidance will naturally come.

(At the end of this lesson, my Angelic Guides told me this message is “sufficient but incomplete.”  My sense is we will cover more detailed information on how to receive guidance in future lessons.)

I hope you have in-joyed reading this message from my Angelic guides as much as I enjoyed receiving it.

Many Blessings,

Sandra Hurlbut

If you feel inspired to share this message or any part of it with others, please feel free to do so. If you do, please remember to include the original hyperlink to this website and credit the Source of the material. Thank you for your continuing support!

I'd like to thank everyone for the wonderful comments and encouraging words I've received in response to these powerful messages. I am so moved by the stories you share with me. I am truly honored to be of service to all of you.

If you feel inspired to support my work, please consider offering a donation. Donations may also be sent by U.S. Mail to Sandra Hurlbut, 404 Joseph Street, Prescott, AZ 86303.

May the abundance of Divine Love flow with all of us at all times.

Sandra Hurlbut is the owner of Spirit Earth Healing in Prescott Arizona. She is a gifted intuitive reader, powerful healer, and engaging teacher who incorporates several modalities in her work. For more information on Sandra or her workshops and their locations, visit our pages on workshops, or calendar events.


If the head and body are to be well, you must begin by curing the soul. —Plato


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