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If you do a good job for others, you heal yourself at the same time, because a dose of joy is a spiritual cure. It transcends all barriers.
—Ed Sullivan

Yeshua - The Value of Grief

July 28th, 2010


Recently, our community lost a valuable friend and mentor, Rosemerrie Christie. Her loss affected me much more than I expected. As I watched and experienced my grief, I realized the process also re-opened the grieving process for another dear friendship which ended very abruptly and offered no closure. For this week's message, I asked Yeshua to speak to us about the grieving process.

Grief is a difficult thing to master but wonderful to behold. We say wonderful because it often evokes the deepest sense of love you can have for another person.  Too often the specialness of others gets overlooked in the midst of daily routines and busy to-do lists. Grief allows you to take the precious time needed to reflect on your special relationships in a way that day-to-day living simply doesn’t allow.  It is only by experiencing the intensity of loss that you can fully appreciate the depths of love within you. 

Many loving individuals have been deeply hurt by others and tend to close themselves off from openly exhibiting their love or accepting love from others.  Experience has taught them to fear their own vulnerability.  When grieving, there is a primal need to express the love truly felt for another person.  This heartfelt love cannot help but be released.  

This long overdue emotional release usually triggers other pent-up emotional releases in a cascading fashion which allows for a deeper level of healing to commence.  Grieving is a process which should be nurtured and given all the time it truly deserves.  It is an allowing of things which have come to pass and an acknowledgement of new things to come.

We encourage everyone to fully experience their own full range of grief.  Allow the process to unfold in its subtle perfection. Accept the healing that it offers you on all levels of your being.  Know that you are loved and cared for at all times.

By honoring the special qualities of your loved ones as well as accepting their limitations, you also honor and accept yourself for the loving being you truly are.  

Be at peace and know that you are blessed.


If you feel inspired to share this message or any part of it with others, please feel free to do so. If you do, please remember to include the original hyperlink to this website and credit the Source of the material. Thank you for your continuing support!

I'd like to thank everyone for the wonderful comments and encouraging words I've received in response to these powerful messages. I am so moved by the stories you share with me. I am truly honored to be of service to all of you.

If you feel inspired to support my work, please consider offering a donation. Donations may also be sent by U.S. Mail to Sandra Hurlbut, 404 Joseph Street, Prescott, AZ 86303.

May the abundance of Divine Love flow with all of us at all times.

Sandra Hurlbut is the owner of Spirit Earth Healing in Prescott Arizona. She is a gifted intuitive reader, powerful healer, and engaging teacher who incorporates several modalities in her work. For more information on Sandra or her workshops and their locations, visit our pages on workshops, or calendar events.


The miracle of self-healing occurs when the inner patient yields to the inner physician. —Vernon Howard


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