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The best way to find yourself is to lose youself in the service of others.
—Mahatma Gandhi


Archangel Metatron - Navigating Your Inner Self

July 13th, 2010


Dear Ones,

Too often people lose their sense of direction by focusing on what is occurring around them.   They get distracted and seemingly forget where they’re going or what they’d like to become, only adding confusion and frustration to their busy lives. Most people have been trained to respond to this form of outside distraction. 

For example, early mariners guided themselves on their journeys by using the stars in the night sky around them.  Even though this method suited them well at the time, course corrections were continuously applied.  It was a completely different challenge for them to navigate during the day with nothing before them except a vast expanse of water and an ever changing sun.

Focusing on what is going on around you can easily lead you astray if you’re not careful.  Just when it seems like you’re making a great progress, you could realize you’re further away from your goal than you expected. However, by learning to use the internal compass of your own intuition, you can regain your sense of direction and begin to chart a more reliable course.

All beings have a direct form of Divine communication.  In animals it is known as instinct. Animals are naturally in alignment with the Creator.  There is no judgment within the animal kingdom in regard to acts of self preservation.  All animals are willing to play their respective roles within the “food chain.”  All predators respect their prey; all prey respect their predators.  They have a limited but mutual understanding of the roles they play for each other and willingly allow their parts to be played.

Humans are only beginning to understand the roles they are playing for each other.  Roles – usually perceived as both good or bad – are the touchstone of your experience. They are the glue that both molds and holds your faith or trust in the Divine together.

As more and more people are beginning to awaken to “Oneness” and really understand what is meant by the “At-one-ment”, they are also delving deeper into their sense of self and developing their intuition.  By learning to listen and ask questions of your intuitive sense of self, you can learn to instinctively guide yourself anywhere you’d like to go without the use of the stars.  All it takes is a willingness to chart the unexplored areas of your inner self.

Know that you are blessed,

Archangel Metatron


If you feel inspired to share this message or any part of it with others, please feel free to do so. If you do, please remember to include the original hyperlink to this website and credit the Source of the material. Thank you for your continuing support!

I'd like to thank everyone for the wonderful comments and encouraging words I've received in response to these powerful messages. I am so moved by the stories you share with me. I am truly honored to be of service to all of you.

If you feel inspired to support my work, please consider offering a donation. Donations may also be sent by U.S. Mail to Sandra Hurlbut, 404 Joseph Street, Prescott, AZ 86303.

May the abundance of Divine Love flow with all of us at all times.

Sandra Hurlbut is the owner of Spirit Earth Healing in Prescott Arizona. She is a gifted intuitive reader, powerful healer, and engaging teacher who incorporates several modalities in her work. For more information on Sandra or her workshops and their locations, visit our pages on workshops, or calendar events.


Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease. —Hippocrates


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