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serene and blue mountain lake

The most important medicine is tender love and care.
—Mother Teresa

Note from Sandra - 05-21-2010

More Angel & Ascended Master Messages are on the way...

Greetings Everyone!

I know it has been a couple weeks since I’ve posted the weekly “Messages from the Angels and Ascended Masters.” I have been very busy with a new modality I have added to my Intuitive and Healing practice. Highlights of the last two weekly in-person channeling sessions are being prepared for posting.

Before I share the highlights of our last couple of channeling sessions, I’d like to take a moment to tell everyone how very excited I am to offer a powerful new modality which has already benefited so many people.  This modality is called Spiritual Response Therapy or SRT.  I wholeheartedly agree with Robert Detzler’s description of how SRT works: “SRT is a system of researching the subconscious mind and soul records to quickly find and release the discordant, limiting ideas and replace them with loving, supportive ideas and beliefs.  SRT provides an exacting, powerful, virtually painless and accurate way of changing the landscape of our inner and outer lives. Thus SRT enables us to live our lives more freely.”1

I have seen amazing results from the people I have worked with. I have also experienced profound changes within myself.  As a person who has worked with and taught higher conscious techniques and belief systems for years, I am more than impressed at how effective this technique is.  I highly, highly recommend and endorse this method of Spiritual healing and change.

Please call me if you’re interested in learning more or would like to schedule a session: 928-776-9596.

Many Blessings,

Sandra Hurlbut

1 “The Freedom Path”, Robert E. Detzler, SRC Publishing, Snohomish, WA, (2006) p. 1


I'd like to thank everyone for the wonderful comments and encouraging words I've received in response to these powerful messages. I am so moved by the stories you share with me. I am truly honored to be of service to all of you.

If you feel inspired to support my work, please consider offering a donation. Donations may also be sent by U.S. Mail to Sandra Hurlbut, 404 Joseph Street, Prescott, AZ 86303.

May the abundance of Divine Love flow with all of us at all times.

Sandra Hurlbut is the owner of Spirit Earth Healing in Prescott Arizona. She is a gifted intuitive reader, powerful healer, and engaging teacher who incorporates several modalities in her work. For more information on Sandra or her workshops and their locations, visit our pages on workshops, or calendar events.


Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease. —Hippocrates


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