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The best way to find yourself is to lose youself in the service of others.
—Mahatma Gandhi

Message from Archangel Rafael - 03-26-2010

Rejoice! There is so much to celebrate this day and everyday!

I am honored to be asked to assist in this weekly message.

Often overlooked in your society is the opportunity to express joy and gratitude for each passing moment in your life.  Simple acts, such smiling at a stranger or a courteous act in the check-out line can be uplifting and also life changing.

Many people wear masks of happiness to hide their inner pain but those who are truly happy having healing powers greater than they can imagine.   A simple act of kindness not only uplifts and inspires but offers a silent healing to the giver and the receiver.  It is a universal sign of connectedness – of Oneness – with our Creator.

Your life is meant to be filled with joy and lived with a sense of inner pleasure that is best expressed outwardly.  Life lived in this fashion is not only encouraging to others but also holds an element of healing for the entire planet.

Open your heart to the gifts that surround you. Your friends, your family, your pets and – yes – even your coworkers and bosses. They are all wonderful gifts in your life.

Remember, an open heart is filled with blessings of abundance and gratitude. A closed heart can only be broken open. 

Allow yourself to open your heart moment by moment, gift by gift until you become a glowing expression of the Divine incarnate.  A Being who simply radiates love.  Think of someone you know who is already like this?  How do they feel to you? Can you feel Love radiate from their being?

Begin your day with positive thoughts and feelings. Think of all the wonderful things you will create throughout the day, whatever they may be.  Every moment is creative.  Choose to create from a starting point of love.

If difficulties should arise, discover the lesson the situation holds for you.  Then let go of any discordant energies attached to the situation.  Once you have learned the lesson there is no reason to hold on to the pain of the situation anymore.  Do not allow others to project their pain onto you. 

Live your life as carefree as a child!  Earth is a giant playground with swings of ecstasy and slides of despair.  Be kind to yourself as you learn balance from the teeter-totter of your existence.

Remember the key to a joy filled life lies in how you view your contrasting experiences.  Choose to see life as an incredible blessing where abundance and well being flow to you all ways.  Embrace the magnificence of who you really are and know that you are always loved.

We offer you heartfelt blessings,

Archangel Rafael

If you feel inspired to share this message or any part of it with others, please feel free to do so. If you do, please remember to include the original hyperlink to this website and credit the source of the material. Thank you for your continuing support!

I'd like to thank everyone for the wonderful comments and encouraging words I've received in response to these powerful messages. I am so moved by the stories you share with me. I am truly honored to be of service to all of you.

If you feel inspired to support my work, please consider offering a donation. Donations may also be sent by U.S. Mail to Sandra Hurlbut, 404 Joseph Street, Prescott, AZ 86303.

May the abundance of Divine Love flow to all of us at all times.

Sandra Hurlbut is the owner of Spirit Earth Healing in Prescott Arizona. She is a gifted intuitive reader, powerful healer, and engaging teacher who incorporates several modalities in her work. For more information on Sandra or her workshops and their locations, visit our pages on workshops, or calendar events.


If the head and body are to be well, you must begin by curing the soul. —Plato


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